Earth Science and Continuous Inspection

Earth showing one quadrant breaking-up into disassembled bits.

Earth as the product of the continuous integration of its bits.

On this Earth Day I’m preparing to start a new job, one full of IT management buzzwords like continuous inspection (CI), continuous integration (my other brother, CI) and continuous delivery (CD). When making policy towards our homeworld though, it strikes me that these proven management practices fall by the wayside of many “pro-business” policymakers. What does CI for earth science really mean? Continue reading

On Earth’s Cracks and Crevasses

Earth Day is a wonderful time for reflecting on our planet. In today’s post I wanted to avoid the temptation to simply post a picture of Earthrise, a momentous vista which showed us our fragile planet for the very first time from lunar orbit. Instead, I’ve taken a look at some of the Earth’s cracks and crevasses as seen by NASA’s Terra satellite. Continue reading